Cultural heritage

The second edition of the Winter School sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures focuses on cultural heritage.
This theme is explored along the lines traced by the ground-breaking definition provided by UNESCO, that is to say both a product and a process that together constitute the cultural capital of contemporary societies. Cultural heritage is inherited from the past, re-created and preserved in the present for the benefit of future generations. It includes tangible as well as intangible heritage, together with forms of representation and identities that contribute to it.
Cultural heritage has lately become central in universities and society as a whole. Research work, initiatives and policies have played an active role in defending and promoting cultural diversity and peaceful dialogue between different people and generations with the aim to achieve a creative and sustainable social, cultural and economic development for all.
In line with the identity of our Department – which is firmly grounded in literatures, languages and cultures – and following its interdisciplinary vocation, this year’s Winter School explores the idea of cultural heritage through cultural studies scholars, museum experts, literary critics, linguists, writers and musicians.
Following the positive feed-back from students who attended our Winter School in 2019, this new edition once again privileges a dialogic dimension and encourages exchange. For this reason, our programme includes plenary lectures, conversation sessions between speakers and students, workshops and a final discussion.
Plenary lectures are open to all. Workshops are opened to a limited number of participants. Teams links for lectures and workshops will be available in the Winter School home page at the following address: HTTPS://SITE.UNIBO.IT/LILEC-WINTER-SCHOOL-2020/IT
To enrol in workshops and for general information, please write to LILEC.SUMMER-WINTER-SCHOOL@UNIBO.IT
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.