Fluid identities: historical and current representations and perspectives

  • Data: 06 dicembre 2019 dalle 10:30 alle 12:00

  • Luogo: Aula D - Via Filippo Re, 8 - Bologna


The Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Bologna presents the ISA Topic "Identity: one, none, one hundred thousand", a cycle of initiatives dedicated to the problem of the continuous definition and redefinition of the different identities that characterize people, society and knowledge.
The events will take place from October 2019 to summer 2020.


Scientific Committee: Prof. Silvia Albertazzi, CLOPEx - Centro Studi sulle Letterature Omeoglotte dei Paesi Extra-europei, LILEC, UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA; Prof. Donatella Biagi, DBC, UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA; Prof. Eva-Maria Christina Thune, LILEC, UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA

November, 12th 12:00
Dipartimento LILEC, via Filippo Re 8, Aula D
Prof. William O'Reilly (University of Cambridge, Trinity Hall)
Biography and Identity in Migration: the Case of Migrant Traffickers in the 17th and 18th
Century (Seelenverkäufer. Der Menschenhandel mit deutschen Migranten in Europa und Amerika: 1648–1780)


December, 6th 10:30
Dipartimento LILEC, via Filippo Re 8, Aula A
Prof. Patrick Farges (University of Paris Diderot)
Pioneers, Losers, White Collars: Narratives of Masculinities among German Speaking Jews in Palestine/Israel (Fluide Männlichkeiten am Beispiel der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach Palästina/Israel)