Persuasion in Politics

Aspects of the rhetorical past in the political present

  • Data: 11 aprile 2022 dalle 13:00 alle 19:00

  • Luogo: Solo Online

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

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Persuasion in Politics:

Aspects of the rhetorical past in the political present


Prof. Michael Burke

University College Roosevelt/Utrecht University

What are the links between political persuasion today and the theories of persuasion from the ancient Greek and Roman rhetorical world? What can we learn from deliberative address and deliberative discourse? How can the theories of Aristotle, Demosthenes, Cicero and Quintilian advise us to speak clearly, concisely and ethically? Are the lessons in political persuasion that were told back then still relevant today and, if so, in which political arenas and in which political realms? Moreover, what can contemporary political speechwriters learn from the rhetorical world of the ancient past? These are the main questions that will be explored in this interactive lecture on ‘persuasion in politics’.

L'ospite presenta nell'ambito delle lezioni di Federica Ferrari. Partecipano tutti gli studenti del corso di Inglese di Federica Ferrari presso SVIC, SPOSI AD, SPOSI EL. Tutti gli altri studenti e colleghi interessati sono benvenuti.

A cura di:
Federica Ferrari

Link SVIC 1-3 pm,


Link SPOSI AD 3-5 pm,

Link SPOSI EL 5-7 pm,