October 19th 2017, 3:30pm-5:30pm
Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: "HARF Theory"
Approach (Russian experience)
Dr Larisa A. Chuprygina
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
School of Asian Studies
Dr Chuprygina will give a brief description of the history of teaching Arabic in Russia
(main periods, schools, personalities, achievements), focusing on two methodical
approaches of presenting the grammar structure of the Arabic Language (European
tradition and Arab grammar tradition). Then she will illustrate the HARF Theory: what it
is about and what they achieve with it in Basic Course of Arabic Language. The lecture
will end with a short work-shop on the HARF Theory use and a round table discussion
with the Arab teachers of the Alma Mater.
Confirmed participants: Dr Ahmad Addous, Bologna University, Dr Giovanni D. Benenati,
Bologna University, Dr Giuseppe Cecere, Bologna University, Dr Sana Darghmouni,
Bologna University, Dr Massimiliano Trentin, Bologna University. Chair: Dr Paola
Scrolavezza, Bologna University.