Archivio Progetti di internazionalizzazione
Atiah (Approaches and Tools for Internationalisation at Home)
E-LOCAL for all - Electronically Learning Other Cultures And Languages
EDGES (European PhD in Women’s and Gender Studies)
EU/US Atlantis Programme “Global Cities/Global Citizenship: Social and Natural Transformations of Urban Areas in Europe and the Unites States”
FuCuHe - The Future of Cultural Heritage in Modern Europe
GCMC toolkit - The global citizenship and multilingual competences toolkit
GEMMA – European Master in Gender and Women Studies
H.E.A.D. Humanities and Enterprises Annual Dialogue
Ilocalapp (Incidentally Learning Other Cultures and Languages through an APP)
LILAC: "Lifelong Intercultural Learning Alliance for Change”
RICH-Ed (Resources for Interculturality in Chinese Higher Education)
Tempus-IDELE (Innovation and Development in Spanish as a Second Language)
TICKET - Transnational Intercultural Competence through Knowledge Exchange and Training
UNICORN - UNIversity-COmmunity-leaRNing