FuCuHe - The Future of Cultural Heritage in Modern Europe

Coordinatrice dell’unità bolognese: Chiara Conterno

Progetto Erasmus Plus Strategische Partnerschaft im Bereich Hochschulbildung

Die Zukunft des kulturellen Erbes im modernen Europa

The Future of Cultural Heritage in Modern Europe

Il futuro del patrimonio culturale europeo nell’Europa moderna

The topic of the planned partnership is „The Future of Cultural Heritage in Modern Europe“. The project aims at interconnecting local, regional and national initiatives of collecting and preserving objects of cultural heritage within the partner states to create an overarching European network of teaching and researching on the field. A special focus lies on the tradition of textual sources, comprising manuscript as well as book culture, its medial conditions and and its privotal role for the formation of cultural identities. For this reason, libraries, literary museums and archives such as the Latvian National Library (Riga), the Greek National Library (Athens), the Biblioteca Universitaria (Bologna), the Bibliothèque de Bordeaux (Bordeaux) and the Royal Library (Kopenhagen) are expected to play a key role in the project.

Central activities of the project are international workshops, summerschools and the exchange of researchers and students from the partner universities as well as of experts from the associated cultural institutions. According to the preliminary time-line of the project, there was a kick-off meeting in Potsdam autumn 2019, and there will be summerschools in Bordeaux 2020, in Bologna 2021, and in Athens 2022, as well as smaller workshops in Kopenhagen, Krakow and Oxford, and a final exhibition in Riga. The project funding will include a management grant for the partner institutions and will cover international teaching and learning events as well as the production of intellectual outputs such as publications and exhibitions.


Data di inizio e data di fine del progetto: 01/09/2019 – 31/12/22